How to avoid the post-competition blues!

At the end of summer, we discussed some great reasons for participating in a CrossFit Competition, namely, the people, the personal podium moments and the large amounts of post-wod pizza. Well, many folks at CFN took this to heart and signed up for a local CrossFit competition, or a local running race. That. Is. Awesome!

But, now what?  You’ve been training for that magical day and it has come and gone (or will be soon-looking at you Halloween Throwdowners). The post competition blues can be a real thing. So let me offer you 3 quick ways to bounce back after the competition and to continue being your happiest, healthiest and best self:

  1. Change how you train
  2. Stay connected to the community
  3. Set a new goal

Change How You Train

Leading up to the competition or event you have been training with the intent of performing well at your event. You were always trying to snatch heavy regardless of technique, or conversely, you skipped anything related to a barbell so you could go running. Now that the competition is over, you can adapt the intent and goal of your training. Perhaps you’re sick of the barbell. Come to CF Endurance and become friends with the sandbag and the sled. Or, maybe you haven’t touched a barbell in six weeks and now is a good time to set a new clean and jerk goal to work towards. Before the event, your goal was always to do the RX barbell weight, even if it meant doing the reps one-at-a-time, and now you’re doing a lesser weight but “touch-and-going” the weight.

One way to stay fit and interested after a specific competition is to change, adapt or modify how you train.

Stay Connected to the Community

Part of the reason why we do CrossFit and competitions is because of the relationships. After the event, stay connected to the awesome folks at CFN. Come to class, even if you aren’t planning on working out super intensely. Just be around people. Go to the community events (like pizza dinners and ladies night). Check the CFN Athlete Info Page on Facebook to keep in touch with people’s Bright Spots and to post your own.

Part of staying fit and interested is staying connected to people who are also pursuing  health and fitness.

Set a New Goal

A good way to keep momentum after accomplishing a goal is to have another goal lined up. It could be doing another competition in the spring, or learning a new skill like Double Under’s, kipping pull-ups or rope climbs. Maybe the goal is attendance driven, such as committing to coming to class at least 2 times each week for the next six weeks, or nutrition focused (Nutrition Challenge anyone?).

Part of world-class fitness is learning and playing new sports and developing new skills. What are some things you’d like to improve and see growth in?

There ya have it. If you have some other ways of fending off the post-competition blues, let us know and share them with your gym-mates!

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