Member Spotlight: Renee H.

How long have you been a member of CrossFit Northland?

Oh wow, 7 years.

What brought you into CFN?

My neighbor suggested I try it. I was sooo nervous!! All of it was so intimidating, pull ups, box jumps, wall balls…I used to lose sleep thinking about what the next days workout would be.

Tell us about your fitness/health background?

Before CFN I was taking a spin class at the Y. For me that got very boring.

What are some changes you’ve noticed in yourself during your time here at CFN? (Physically, mentally, capabilities, daily life, etc.)

Confidence. I am more likely to try things that I didn’t think I could do and more determined to accomplish goals. One aspect that carries over into my daily life, is the mindset I learned to use for a chipper WOD…don’t look at or be intimidated by the large numbers you see, just start knocking the reps out 5 at a time.

What kinds of things can you do now, that you were not able to do when you first started CrossFit? (inside or outside of the gym)

Rope climbs and pull ups. I never thought I’d be able to climb the ropes!! Oh, and double unders. It took me forever to get the hang of them!

How has CFN played a role in your fitness and healthy journey?

By having the support and guidance of both the exercise side of health, and the nutritional side as well.

In your opinion, what is the most valuable aspect of CrossFit Northland?

Hands down, the coaches!!! Their leadership is above and beyond all others, each one of them is driven to helping you become the best version of yourself. There is so much knowledge and experience between them all. They tirelessly motivate and push you to accomplish your goals.

What do you hope to accomplish in your next 3 months here at CFN?

Honestly, just getting back into the routine of going to classes and getting accustomed the new normal of the classes. Trying to take things slowly and safely.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone that is starting their own fitness journey?

Start small. Change one unhealthy habit at a time. If you start too big, it can become overwhelming and harder to stay on track. Celebrate the successes, no matter how small they are.

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