- How long have you been a member of CrossFit Northland?
- I joined CFN in February 2017.
- What brought you into CFN?
- I discovered CFN as a result of a very handsome and accomplished guy that I was living with at the time by the name of David Pope. Okay, this guy happens to be my son who had moved back home from Virginia in 2015 to pursue his dream of opening a CrossFit gym.
- Tell us about your fitness/health background?
- I was NOT an athlete of any kind when I was younger – the skinny-fat kid who took PE during the summer so she wouldn’t have to sweat and shower during school. In the 80’s I discovered aerobics and ‘felt the burn’ with Jane Fonda (and others) workout tapes. Then I started walking. I walked the equivalent of a marathon twice, did a 60 mile (over three days) Walk for the Cure, hiked Pike’s Peak and the Grand Canyon as well as to the top of Yosemite and Nevada Falls. In the fall of 2014 David came home and shared his dream of opening a gym. I decided since I couldn’t support my son in Virginia, I would support someone’s son here in KC, so started working with a personal trainer. I was not interested in group classes (read terrified) because of my age and physical fitness. Eventually, with David’s encouragement, I decided that being part of a gym and taking classes would be a very good choice for me. And it has been!
- What are some changes you’ve noticed in yourself during your time here at CFN? (Physically, mentally, capabilities, daily life, etc.)
- My confidence in my abilities has increased significantly. I’m no longer afraid of being a part of a group and actually find it so much more motivating and fun. I love the variation in the workouts and have confidence that I can scale appropriately for those things my body just won’t do right now. To be honest, the personal training was getting monotonous and the variety at CFN was exactly what I needed. I am still nervous about partner workouts because I’m still worried about holding others back.
- What kinds of things can you do now, that you were not able to do when you first started CrossFit? (inside or outside of the gym)
- I am confident to take on large projects knowing that I have the strength and stamina to see them through. Just recently I had 150 bags of mulch delivered that I am hauling and distributing around my very large yard. I did that the first time tow years ago after a year at the gym and was so incredibly proud of what I could do!! Also, I actually offered to take care of my new grandson while his parents worked rather than have him go to daycare. I knew that the strength and stamina I have developed would make it possible to keep up with this growing, moving little boy. What a gift THAT is!!!
- How has CFN played a role in your fitness and healthy journey?
- CFN and the coaches and athletes have made a fitness home for me that feels very comfortable while still being challenging. I know that I am capable of SO MUCH MORE than the average person my age (I am 66 in May) and also confident that I will continue to be able to live my life on my terms for the time I am given on this beautiful planet.
- In your opinion, what is the most valuable aspect of CrossFit Northland?
- Honestly, with this shut down, this mama’s heart has to be very honest and say it is/was getting to see my incredibly hard-working son on a regular basis if nothing more than a squdge and a kiss. ALONG with that…… it is the combination of the coaches and athletes and variety movement and encouragement all around.
- What do you hope to accomplish in your next 3 months here at CFN?
- First of all, GET BACK TO CLASSES regularly. I continue working with my nutrition and food journaling in order to tame the weight that has slipped on over the years. I have gotten stronger and more solid and heavier with my work at the gym and am trying to figure out after a lifetime of ‘skinny-fat’ where I am most comfortable with regards to weight and size…… it isn’t altogether intuitive.
- What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone that is starting their own fitness journey?
- Believe that you are capable of so much more than you think is possible. I watched my beautiful mother diminish and become incapacitated due to lack of movement and am determined to live my days as healthy and powerfully and independently as possible. Living your best life is an everyday choice. It’s never too late to start.
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