Mission: Become Your Happiest

Become your happiest, healthiest, best self—-What the heck does that mean??

If you’ve read our newsletter, checked out the entryway board at the gym, or seen any of our social media posts it’s likely you’ve run into this phrase at some point.

Maybe you love it and are on board. We like that. Maybe you’ve read it and shrugged it off, “eh sounds like a bunch of woo woo mumbo jumbo.” We figured it was about time we gave some rationale behind why our mission statement starts with “to help individuals become their happiest, healthiest, and best self.” And to also define the terms being used so we’re all swimming in the same pool of information.

The first we’ll talk about today is “become your happiest.”

Happiness is a vague and squishy concept. It seems a passive feeling more than a concrete space of existence. You’re “happy” when you are in a good mood, when things are going your way, or when you’re watching a comedy on Netflix.

That’s not quite the concept we’re aiming to capture here.

When we talk about helping people to become their happiest self, we are referring to the quality or sense of “joy” in that person’s life.

But, what’s our notion of joy?

Joy is the idea of true, lasting contentment. That you have and are enough and are “calmly sure of the prevailing sense that things are and will be OK,” to quote Jeff from CFN Wellness (he also has a plethora of other Components of Well-Being which he’s defined and built programming for, but that’s a topic for another blog).

Joy is an internal way of being in the human condition and experiencing the world. It is a mindset or framing which realizes that the way things currently are (whether favorable or not) do not tell the whole story nor do they have the ultimate say over how we interpret or feel about them.

Somewhere in the process of developing, we start to lose this propensity. While we can seem to be quick to dive into and out of the emotional depths associated with being young (happy one minute, crying the next, laughing 5 minutes later), the overall arch of our lives when we’re kids is one that exists within the realm of joy.

Jason wrote about this thought that children don’t measure the the costs of play or running or swimming in cold water on a summer’s night. They just do those things, and a lot of the time have a smile on their faces whilst doing so.

But what does it mean to YOU, dear reader?

Let’s not forget about the first two words of today’s focus “become your”. Therein lies the heart of what it is we’re helping with. We’re not here to tell you what joy or happiness look like in your life. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. We hope to help you move toward that prevailing sense that things are and will be OK. And what happens if you don’t know what that means?

Becoming doesn’t only happen once the end goal is known–the process of becoming is constantly and ever happening.

And we’re to help shape you for it along the way.

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