Cars on “E”

Scenario 1:

The bags are packed and you’re ready to hit the road for a well deserved road trip vacation!

You load up the car, buckle in the kids, turn the key and that bright gas light pops up.

What’s your first stop? The nearest gas station, of course!

Scenario 2:

Another typical day at work. You notice a 2 hour long meeting on your calendar that’s scheduled to run through your typical lunch hour.

It ends up running a little over and you leave with a whole new list of demanding To-Do’s in addition to your pre-existing list (that seems to never end).

A loud growling comes from your midsection and your grasp your stomach in discomfort. Hunger pangs. They’re here.

What’s your next action?

If we’re to take an educated guess: you ignore it and start on your long list of work related tasks (that really aren’t going anywhere anytime soon).

Why is it that we’re so quick to cater to our car’s need for fuel and yet ignore our body’s need for fuel without thought or hesitation?

The problem is that most people don’t think of their body the way they think of their vehicles. And yet, in all reality, they’re very similar.

Here’s how:

They get us from A-B; they’re both transporters.

They both rely on fuel to function; attempting to run on E will result in guaranteed shut-down.

Using higher grade engine oil improved performance and system health.

Routine maintenance improves lifespan.

Car problems + health problems both equate to an increase in stress, need for money to repair, decrease in day-to-day ease and efficiency, and generally speaking, a much lowered productivity rate.

So allow me to repeat the question.

Why is it that we’re so quick to cater to our car’s needs and ignore our very own?


Carbohydrates → gasoline (fuel to survive the day)

  • Energy to get through your daily tasks
  • Fuel for workouts and activity
  • Brain food + function

Fat → oil (oil grade matters big time)

  • Cell regeneration
  • Hormone health
  • Insulation to organs
  • Anti-inflammatory 

Protein → engine (the core goal is always to increase muscle mass)

  • Muscle food
  • Lean muscle mass directly influences metabolism efficiency
  • Increased muscle mass = increased bone density

Treat your body like the Lamborghini that it is! 

In Health,

Coach Sabrina


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