The idea of CrossFit can be intimidating. We understand that, we really do.


It’s also liberating, empowering, educational, supportive, and above all, it has the power to


(if you let it, of course)


“The biggest change has been mentally.

I am not scared to fail anymore,

I have learned that it is part of the process

and I am embracing it!”


Here’s an example of someone who REALLY use to resent the idea of joining a CrossFit gym.

(for many reasons, listed below)

But here’s someone who also gave it a chance. Someone who has made many friends through it.

Someone who’s improved mobility, physical capacity, and A T T I T U D E towards life!


How long have you been a member of CrossFit Northland?

15 months

Before you started classes at CrossFit Northland, tell us how you felt toward the idea of CrossFit and group training? (Don’t be shy! No hard feelings. 😉 ha!)

I thought CrossFit was too intense and that you had to be in really good shape to even get started in it. I have bad knees and lower back issues so I didn’t think there was any way I could do the Olympic lifts or heavy lifting, plus I didn’t see the appeal of doing them in the first place. I also thought the women were intimidating. They were doing heavy weight and looked way stronger than me so there was no way I was going to put myself in a situation to fail in fear of being put down. And of course, I thought it was a cult…I had a long list of excuses.

What convinced you to give CrossFit a try?

Coach Casey (husband). He had to work on me for about a year before I decided to even give it a try. And to be honest, I only tried it to get him off my back.

When did you notice your feelings start to change about CrossFit?

Almost right away!

What do you feel contributed to your feelings starting to change?

I started seeing small improvements in my form, mobility and strength every day and was finally feeling relief from my chronic back and knee pain.

What changes did you start to notice (physically, mentally, in your abilities, etc.) as you continued taking classes?

I have noticed changes in every aspect of my life! Physically I am stronger and my mobility is improving consistently. I am moving better doing everyday movements. The biggest change has been mentally. I am not scared to fail anymore, I have learned that it is part of the process and I am embracing it!

How do you feel about CrossFit now?


What is your favorite aspect?

The CrossFit Northland family! CFN is more than a gym, it is my happy place. Everyone is working towards becoming the best versions of themselves while helping each other along the way. I love being surrounded with like-minded people that are cheering me on to succeed, it makes me work harder!

What would you say to someone that is thinking about trying CrossFit or even someone who is totally against the idea of CrossFit?

Don’t believe the stereotypes about Crossfit, please try it for yourself! You really will be amazed how Crossfit will affect and improve your life. Plus, you get to meet some pretty amazing people!

Don’t let fear prevent you from a better life!

Start here

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