Member Spotlight: Krista G.

1.   How did your journey with CrossFit Northland began? How long have you been a member of CrossFit Northland? What made you decide to join our gym?

When I found out I’d be moving to Kansas City, I immediately started researching all the local CrossFit gyms. I had pretty much decided on CrossFit Northland before my family had even found a house. What I saw was a place that really engaged with their community, and appreciated their members. I also strongly believe that nutrition is an important component of overall health, and I loved that CrossFit Northland offered nutrition coaching as well.

2.   Tell us a little about your fitness journey? (Have you always been active? Played sports growing up? Tried other gym settings? Worked out at home? etc.)

I was a gymnast from my early years through my high school, and I also was an avid swimmer. I spent several years in high school and college as a lifeguard, although I never considered myself “athletic” and I didn’t get into competitive sports. One year on the swim team was enough to show me that I can still love a sport without needing to compete!

3.   Has CFN helped you overcome a challenge and, if so, tell us about it.

  Consistent workouts and appropriate nutrition have been such a benefit to my overall well-being. Three years ago, my doctor told me I had high cholesterol, and if I didn’t start making some lifestyle changes, I would need medication to manage it. CrossFit was my catalyst to making those changes in a sustainable way. Now, my cholesterol is in the normal range and I’ve been able to maintain that ever since.

4.   What are some changes and successes you’ve experienced during your time here at CFN? (Physically, mentally, capabilities, daily life, etc.)

Since starting CrossFit, I’ve lost over 25 pounds and 10% body fat. I’ve gained muscle and – more valuably – gained proper nutritional knowledge. I have more energy and am sick less. But the biggest success was learning how to make these changes sustainable, without feeling like I’m depriving myself.  I repeatedly lean on the staff at CFN for their guidance in keeping me on track with my healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. This year, more than any, has been a challenge, and having that support system behind me was necessary for maintaining my physical and mental well-being during this unprecedented time.

5. What motivates you and keeps you coming back for more week after week?

 It took me over 30 years to figure it out, but I’ve discovered that group fitness classes with constantly varied movements are my happy place. I love seeing everyone, I love the encouragement from other athletes and the coaches, and I love that the workout is something different nearly every day. It makes me want to show up and put in the work, and keeps me from getting bored. I also really appreciate the ability to log our progress in the computer, so that I can see and track the improvements I’m making as I get fitter and stronger.

6. In your opinion, what is the most valuable aspect of Crossfit Northland?

This is a place that truly cares about its members. And because they care, they are constantly striving to do more and be the best possible version of a CrossFit Gym. The coaches, owners, and even the members put so much of their time, energy, and effort into creating a space that is focused on helping every individual to be their happiest, healthiest, self. Everyone who steps through those doors feels welcomed. And that makes you want to keep coming back again and again.

7. What advice would you give to someone that is considering joining a CrossFit gym?

DO IT! When I first walked into a CrossFit gym, I had no idea what it entailed. It’s possible that if I had, I would have been intimidated. So I understand that feeling. But CrossFit is so adaptable for every level of fitness and ability. And if you want to find a place that goes out of its way to make accommodations for everyone, look no further than CrossFit Northland.

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