Member Spotlight: Rusty C.

  1. How long have you been a member of CrossFit Northland?

Since February of 2020

  1. What brought you into CFN?

My oldest brother Joe had amazing results with CFN and I knew there was something to it.  

  1. Tell us about your fitness/health background? (Did you play sports growing up? Try other gym settings? Workout at home?)

I’ve been fairly healthy my whole life through a career that was very physical.  I never really played organized sports as a kid.  I did start Riding Bulls while I was in high school and did so at a fairly high level until I broke my neck at the age of 22.  The most recent athletic endeavors I have been undertaking is the MR340.  A 340 mile Canoe and Kayak Race.  I have done it a couple times with Joe, 3 times with my wife, once solo and last year my wife and I did it with our 12 year old.

  1. What are some changes you’ve noticed in yourself during your time here at CFN? (Physically, mentally, capabilities, daily life, etc.)

As far as changes go, I am the strongest I think I have ever been. I had an injury while coaching wrestling that had really held me back the year prior to joining CFN and thanks to the coaching staff really driving home safety and patient growth I have mostly overcome that injury

  1. What kinds of things can you do now, that you were not able to do when you first started CrossFit? (inside or outside of the gym)

Since I injured my collarbone in early 2019, I couldn’t hold a cup of coffee extended out at full length without pain.  Now I can do all kinds of athletic movements with strength.  Still a little apprehensive about Snatching but I’m getting there.

  1. What motivates you and keeps you coming back for more week after week?

As far as what keeps me coming back week after week, I would says it’s easily the people/environment.  Really it keeps me coming back day after day.  Everyone is crazy supportive and as I have seen with the paddling community, nothing brings people together like sharing suffering!

  1. In your opinion, what is the most valuable aspect of CrossFit Northland?

As far as the most valuable aspect of CFN is, it’s coaching and community.  I have never thought for a single second that any of the CFN coaches didn’t have my best interest at heart.

  1. What do you hope to accomplish in the future here at CFN?

I’d like to continue growing, getting stronger, and more fit.  I know at age 40 that’s not an easy task but this is the place to do it.

  1. What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone that is considering joining a CrossFit gym?

If someone is considering CFN my advice is to get in here!  There is a starting point for everyone and the coaches are awesome at helping you find that spot.  They have variations for everything that will allow you to start where you are today.  I have seen the excitement of someone doing something they never would have believed they could do and everyone in the class that day is genuinely excited for them.

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