Member Spotlight: Steven S.

1.   How did your journey with CrossFit Northland began? How long have you been a member of CrossFit Northland? What made you decide to join our gym?

I have been a member at CFN since mid-June 2020. I recently started a business and moved into a facility down the street from the gym, so I would drive past the gym everyday coming into the office, or coming back from Wendy’s at lunch…

One day, I was crushing a Baconater and some spicy nugs… I looked up and saw a class running down the road in the hot summer sun, I thought to myself, “Wow.. there is gym literally 600 meters from the office and you’re just sitting there wasting away.”

Right then, I finished my delicious food and picked up the phone to schedule a meeting with the coaches.

2.   Tell us about your fitness/health background? (Have you always been active? Played sports growing up? Tried other gym settings? Worked out at home? etc.)

I have always been an athletic, active guy. I played competitive sports my entire life, and finished my career playing D1 baseball. Training has been a passion of mine. Whether it was 5am workouts with the team, Two-a-days in the summer, track workouts, lifting, etc.. I was doing something active almost daily.

3.   Has CFN helped you overcome a challenge and, if so, tell us about it.

Absolutely! About 3 years ago (after I quit sports) I got lost in work and life and my training came to a halt. I stopped working out, stopped focusing on my nutrition, started drinking more, and really just let everything slide. I call these the “Dark Ages” for my health and fitness. CFN has truly been the foundation for getting my life back on track.

4.   If you answered yes above, what was life like before overcoming the challenge you faced? What has life been like after?

Before CFN, I felt like I was just going through life as a passenger. I was not really in control of my life. I was doing well in business and my work, however everything else was on the back burner. I would wake up late feeling blah, grab fast food on my way to work. Work for 10-12 hours, eat more junk, drink too much at night, and repeat it all over again every day. It’s really embarrassing thinking that I let myself get to that point.

Now, I have this incredible schedule all formed around CFN. It’s hard to explain, but when I make my workout my main priority for the day, I excel at everything else.

5.   What are some changes you’ve noticed in yourself during your time here at CFN? (Physically, mentally, capabilities, daily life, etc.)

What have I not noticed!? Everything has gotten better and that is not an exaggeration!

Physically – I am in the best shape of my life. It blows my mind that a few months of working with the CFN team and I am healthier than I have ever been.

Mentally – I am crystal clear at work. My mind is free to work at its full capacity. I have never felt better mentally.

Daily Life – I have so much more energy now. I am happier. My relationships are better. My routine is better which causes everything else to fall into place!

6.   In your opinion, what is the most valuable aspect of Crossfit Northland?

I 100% believe the coaching staff is the most valuable aspect of CFN. They are the best coaches I have ever encountered. I learn every day and I have fun going to the gym. They push you when you need to be pushed, coach when you need to be coached, and motivate when you need to be motivated. I cannot thank the coaching staff enough.

7.   What is something you would like to accomplish (gym or non-gym related) in the near future?

I want to compete in a competition someday soon. I really think that would be the next step. I have a long way to go to before I can “compete” but I would like to set a goal to try it out. Also in terms of movements, I would like to do a walking hand-stand and bar/ring muscle up

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