CFN Member Spotlight: Jeff G.

Name: Jeff Gray

Age: 32

Occupation: Financial Analyst

  1. How long have you been a member of CrossFit Northland?

8 months

  1. What brought you into CFN?

I was a pretty regular runner and I was hoping that some cross training would improve my performance. I thought that the structure that comes with CrossFit would help me with the training aspect and that the community that comes with it would help keep me accountable.

  1. Tell us about your fitness/health background?

I never played any sports as a kid or did much in the way of fitness for most of my life. I started running during the pandemic just to get out of the house and that’s what kind of got the ball rolling for me. I stayed an active runner after that and ran a couple of longer races in the last couple of years.

  1. What are some changes you’ve noticed during your fitness journey at CFN (Physically, mentally, capabilities, daily life, etc.)

I generally feel better and have more energy. It’s also noticeable during the kind of routine aspects of my life, so things like carrying in the groceries or picking up my dog have gotten easier. And prior to the winter when I was still running, I felt like I had more stamina and didn’t struggle as much during climbs and sprints.

  1. What is your favorite part of CFN?

The sense of community that comes with being a member and all of the amazing people that I’ve gotten to meet, both on the coach side and the member side.

  1. What motivates you and keeps you coming back for more week after week?

I enjoy being able to compete against myself. Seeing my own progress as I log scores and workouts, especially being able to lift more than I could when I started or even last week. I appreciate the measurable improvement.

  1. If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Flight. I would never get stuck in traffic again, it would do wonders for my mental health.

  1. What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone that is considering joining a CrossFit gym?

Let go of any preconceived notions that might be keeping you from trying it and just give it a chance. I think the big thing for me was the perception that I wasn’t fit enough to participate, but workouts can be scaled for any level as long as you’re willing to make the effort.

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