- How did your journey with CrossFit Northland began? How long have you been a member of CrossFit Northland? What made you decide to do CrossFit at that time?
I am not sure exactly how long I have been a member of CFN, maybe 5 years. Bridget Netherton who used to be a member but moved was subbing at my school. We struck up a friendship and met for lunch over spring break. Bridget asked me if I wanted to try out a CrossFit class. I had heard of Crossfit and was like I don’t think that’s for me. She kept asking, so I ended up going to a class with her and the rest is history.
- Tell us about your fitness/health background? (Have you always been active? Played sports growing up? Tried other gym settings? Workout at home?)
I don’t have much of a fitness background. I have never played a sport. I always did group exercise classes, never lifted weights. I don’t really enjoy exercising but I know I have to!
- How has CFN played a role in your life outside of the gym?
CFN has played a role in my life outside of the gym by helping me make healthy life choices.
- What are some changes you’ve noticed in yourself during your time at CFN? (Physically, mentally, capabilities, daily life, etc.)
I have noticed the most changes over the past year. I started a nutrition program with David and have lost 30 pounds. I was not happy with myself and knew I needed to make a change. Working with David has helped me so much. I now have a healthy balance in my life and it feels amazing.
- In your opinion, what is the most valuable aspect of Crossfit Northland?
I think the most valuable aspect of CFN is that it’s not just a gym. The coaches care about you and want the best for you and you always see the same people at classes so it’s not just a bunch of random people. Also, the fact that you can work at your own fitness level, you don’t need to be able to lift a ton of weights!!
- What would you say to someone that is considering joining a CrossFit gym?
I would tell people who are considering CrossFit to do it for sure. It may be a little intimidating but joining CFN was one of the best decisions I’ve made!!!