SO YOU DIDN’T GET THAT PR, NOW WHAT? “THERE WAS A BUZZ IN THE GYM” Last week was a big one for me in…
No matter who or where you are on your journey toward improvement, it is our goal to provide the tools necessary to keep you moving…
Four Reasons to do Personal Training
Personal Training is for everybody, and this includes YOU.
The Balance Between Safety and Intensity
In CrossFit we are often pushing the threshold between technically sound form, and intensity that might cause imperfections in form but help generate the results we’re after. But how do we know when we’ve hit that threshold?
Why Muscle Ups Matter To Every Single Athlete
Many more people will live an incredibly healthy life without successfully completing a muscle up than those that do complete one. Certainly there is a positive correlation between degree of fitness and ability to do one, but by no means is one required to be fit.So, why does it matter? Why is a muscle up as important to the 25 year old young gun as it is to the 85 year old grandmother?
The Open is Over-Now What?
The five-week CrossFit Open is over-now what do we do to keep ourselves happy, healthy and progressing towards our fitness goals?
Mission: Become your Healthiest
Last time we talked about “become your happiest.” Today we’re going to focus on the second portion of our mission statement: “become your healthiest.” Health is one of those funny words, like happiness, that is subjective and for most people is hard to define. What does it mean to be healthy? What does it mean to you?
Mission: Become Your Happiest
Our mission is to help people become their happiest, healthiest and best selves. But, what exactly does that mean? We begin a series exploring our mission statement!
The Importance of Scaling
What makes scaling important? Why is it something worth doing and exploring?
Pure. Joy.
What does Pure JOY look like? The first think I think of is my 3 year old sprinting across the house from experience to experience….